Trawler: A Journey Through the North Atlantic, by Redmond O’Hanlon

Few places on Earth match the danger of the wild waters off northern Scotland, where deep-sea trawlers brave treacherous conditions. This harsh setting becomes the perfect backdrop for a middle-aged writer who admits he "doesn't know his arse from his tit" when it comes to seamanship. In Trawler, O'Hanlon joins the crew of the Norlantean, led by a skilled but desperate captain who pushes on even through a raging hurricane.

Below deck, O'Hanlon spends his time sorting and gutting strange fish, but the real treasure of this book is its insight into the fishermen themselves. We meet characters like Luke, a brawny marine biologist who quickly bonds with O'Hanlon over their shared love of science and mutual sleep deprivation.

Their frenzied, sleep-deprived conversations form the heart of the book. At times, their chatter becomes almost nonsensical, but this perhaps best captures the reality of life in such a brutally cold and mind-numbing environment. Through O'Hanlon's vivid writing, readers can almost feel the icy spray and bone-deep exhaustion of life aboard a deep-sea trawler.

Trawler offers a raw, unfiltered glimpse into a world few of us will ever experience firsthand. O'Hanlon's witty, self-deprecating humor shines throughout, as he fumbles his way through the unfamiliar routines of life at sea. His willingness to poke fun at his own ineptitude not only lightens the mood but also highlights the incredible skill and resilience of the seasoned fishermen. It's a tale of danger, friendship, and the relentless human drive to push on against all odds.

Redmond, you’ve got to get up here, fast. There’s a storm coming up, big style! I have the satellite maps. Force 11, maybe more. Straight for Orkney. And Jason, the Norlantean skipper - he’s called on Cellnet. He’s north-west of Shetland. He say’s the weather’s horrendous. And getting worse. Perfect! Just what you wanted! He says we sign on at Scrabster, Saturday, two days time, 7 a.m,, no later. OK? Good. So pick me up - 19 Pilot Square, Fittie. Be there! And remember - nothing green.
— Redmond O'Hanlon, Trawler

Interesting Facts & Links:

  • O'Hanlon is a highly rated literary travel writer best known for his extreme crazy journeys into remote jungles, including Borneo, the Amazon basin, and the Congo.  All three of these funny travelogues are similarly recommended, starting with Into the Heart of Borneo

  • Read William Dalrymple's 2003 amazing review of Trawler from the Guardian.

  • Or, read a good story from The Daily Mail on the life of North Sea trawlermen, perhaps one of the most dangerous jobs in the world.

  • Click here to see more books like this on our recommendations on some of the best funny travel books.

Redmond O'Hanlon - The awfulness of life aboard the trawler

British author Redmond O’Hanlon writes about his journeys into some of the wildest places in the world. His travels have taken him into the jungles of the Congo and the Amazon, he has faced some of the toughest tribes alive today, and has sailed in the hurricane season on a trawler in the North Atlantic. In all of this, he explores the extremes of human existence with passion, wit and erudition.

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